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Fresh Forward App

What is Fresh Forward?
A system, comprised of both physical and digital products, to help generation alpha users (teens and young tweens) form good hygiene and personal care habits.

2 months

Figma, Photoshop, Mural, & PowerPoint


Me 👩‍💻
User Research + UX Design
Leland Starwalt,
Graphic Design + Branding
Abbie Koenig,
Industrial Design

Problem Space

Problem Statement

How might we encourage tweens & teens to form sustainable personal care habits in a self-initiated, exciting way?

Initial Research Insights 
I facilitated casual exploratory conversations with tweens and their parents and found out that...
💡 Parents are having trouble instilling personal care habits in their pre-teen children.
💡 This is likely because pre-teens and teens view their personal care routines as a task or chore;
💡 However, pre-teens will form habits around experiences and products they enjoy.

User Research Round 1

My Research Question
How might we encourage tweens & teens to form sustainable personal care habits in a self-initiated, exciting way?

User Research Round 1
  • User interviews (with parents and young teens)
  • Conducting usability research on a current beauty care tracking app, Setlist

What makes an app engaging to a young teen/tween?
💡 “I use the health app to track how much I walk every day and it makes me want to walk more. One thing I like on the health app is that you can visualize your progress.”

💡 “I have an app (Forest app) for writing that tells me how much I’m writing, and it plants a tree when I hit certain goals. It encourages me seeing that there is a real-world impact.”

💡 “My sister uses the Disney emoji bliss where you can collect Disney emojis and really likes that. She’s motivated by getting emojis.”

💡  "I use games and reading apps right now.  You get to have a reading buddy if you read for 20 minutes. The reading buddies are eggs and the more you read, the more the eggs crack, until they hatch and then you have a little character buddy.”


I formed 3 different concepts for routine-tracking apps and created frames in Figma. I then test these app concepts with generation alpha users.

Concept 1: Character Care
Goal: Teach users to take care of themselves by having them take care of something else.

Concept 2: 
Goal: Turn not-so-fun chores into a competitive game.

Concept 3: Streaks
Goal: See progress with streaks and data visualizations

User Research Round 2

Mid-fi Design User Testing
  • Testing mid-fi app designs with tween/young teen users

Research Insights
💡All participants liked the streaks concept. The older participants rated it as their top choice, while the younger participants (age 9-10) rated it as their second choice (following character care).

💡All the participants suggested merging this concept with the character care concept.

💡All participants expressed wanting to earn rewards for keeping up their streaks


An app encouraging generation alpha users (tweens/young teens) to track their hygiene and personal care routines. Users get a “buddy” that grows as they track their routines consistently. Users can win prizes, earn prizes, and unlock new buddies.

Final Frames

Thank you for viewing✨

Let’s stay in touch—please reach out via email if you’d like to discuss working together. I’m also open to new friends, music recommendations, and coffee chats!