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Part 2 Interview research

After completing the survey research, we decided to focus our efforts around closing users’ skills gaps by diving deeper into understanding the pain points and barriers preventing Power IT admin from becoming proficient in Ansible automation.

Research objectives

  1. Understand the current Ansible for Power learning experience.
  2. Uncover the gaps in the currently available Ansible for Power resources.
  3. Identify the barriers keeping IT admin from learning to use Ansible effectively.
Process & methodology

  • Participant recruitment
  • 1:1 semi-structured interviews
  • Manual coding  of qualitative data
  • Thematic analysis
  • Frequent playbacks of insights with teammates & executives


Identified ways to close the skills gap and provided recommendations pivotal to creating the MVP


users from 5 different customer companies interview


major insights extracted, accompanied by actionable recommendations


playbacks of research insights delivered to relevant parties, including IBM executives and end users


workshop facilitated with external end users and IBMers to strategize requirements for the MVP

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Reach out via email if you’d like to discuss working together.
© Emma Rose Sycks 2025