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Deliver 3 Power-wide client experience goals crafted from quality users insights that will transform the IBM Power business and align our teams around delivering on critical client needs.

Methodology  & process01. Divided into 4 pillars—each representing separate customer segments & areas of the Power business—conducting individual research studies.

02. Converge insights from across all four pillars to identify Power-wide needs and differentiate pillar-specific needs.

03. Create a set of Power-wide goals based on the user pain points, needs, and ideas from all pillars.

04. Sanity check - testing with users

We then tested our hypotheses/ “draft hills” with clients to understand if we were correctly articulating their needs & desires from IBM Power and which hills were users highest priority. To answer these questions, we surveyed users and business partners.

Research objective
Understand if our proposed goals resonate with and accurately express the desired experiences of Power users and partners.

Research questions
  • Which goals are most critical to our clients?
  • Which goals are the highest prioritized by customer, BP, and ISV segments?
  • Alignment - our priorities the priorities of our users?

7 client experiences goals delivered and accepted by leadership into the business strategy and product roadmaps

31 customers engaged

328 total need statements generated

7 client experience goals created & prioritized with clients

4 playbacks delivered

“Thank you for including the voice of the customer.”

Research participant, Senior Systems Engineer at customer company

Let’s stay in touch!

Reach out via email if you’d like to discuss working together.
© Emma Rose Sycks 2025