Ansible Automation for IBM Power
Uncovering gaps in IT Admin’s understanding and use of Anisble Automation technology
Role UX Researcher
Length Q3 2023 - Q1 2024
Length Q3 2023 - Q1 2024
Investigate IT admin’s experiences using Ansible Automation for Power, uncover pain points in the Ansible adoption experience, and provide recommendations to resolve identified issues.
Uncovered the main pain points hindering IT admin’s adoption of Ansible for Power: skills gaps. Derived a three-part approach to upskill users in a sustainable, scalable way.
users from customer companies and business partners engaged throughout survey and interview research3
Identified 3 main issues precluding Power users from fully adopting with Ansible in to their workflows4
recommendations delivered, 3 of which have been successfully implemented (as of June 2024)5
playbacks of research findings to relevant parties, including IBM executives and external sponsor usersRECENT LAUNCHES
Part 1 Survey research
Ansible is a key technology in helping IT teams make the most of their limited Power-skilled employees; however, the level of adoption and engagement with Ansible for Power collections by IT admin was lacking.
Increase engagement with Ansible for Power collections among IT Admin at customer companies
At a high level, Power’s customers need to make the most of their limited number of Power-skilled employees. Ansible Automation is a tool that enables IT admin to reduce repetitive tasks and increase efficiency at work
Users’ interest in Ansible is not the issue. The problem is that Power-skilled IT admin do not know how to use Ansible and lack the support and resources to learn.
users from customer companies and business partners surveyed62%
of respondents expressed that they desire more resources and support for using Ansible on Power (n=44)5
User needs* uncovered*Improved documentation was the top-reported need, closely followed by Ansible educational resources.
Pain point* categories identified*3 pain point categories prioritized as the most impactful to users
Identified and prioritized 3 main issues precluding IT admin use of Ansible accompanied by actionable recommendations to resolve them.
Part 2 Interview research
After completing the survey research, we decided to focus our efforts around closing users’ skills gaps by diving deeper into understanding the pain points and barriers preventing Power IT admin from becoming proficient in Ansible automation.- Understand the current Ansible for Power learning experience.
- Uncover the gaps in the currently available Ansible for Power resources.
- Identify the barriers keeping IT admin from learning to use Ansible effectively.
- Particpant recruitment
- 1:1 semi-structured interviews
- Manual coding of qualitative data
- Thematic analysis
- Frequent playbacks of insights with teammates & executives
Constructed and delivered a three-part approach to both meet user needs for resources and close skills-gaps .
users from 5 different customer companies interview4
major insights extracted, accompanied by actionable recommendations5
playbacks of research insights delivered to relevant parties, including IBM executives, RedHat teams, and end users1
workshop facilitated with external end users and IBMers to strategize requirements for the MVPAutomation on Power Community
Provides members with a place to engage with IBM SMEs and fellow users, a hub for relevant resources, a channel for Q&A, and way to stay up-to-date about new releases, features, and resources.
→ Went live Feb 2024
→ Community growth of 4X member increase from week 2 - week 4 of first month
→ Growth to 175+ members within three months
→ Positive user sentiment in response to community & blog content
Ansible on IBM Power jumpstart course
New, instructor-led Ansible technical training with hands-on labs. Created to meet users needs around needing an introductory course led by instructors to help Ansible students stay accountable to mastering the basics.
The course incentivizes student participation with the opportunity to earn a badge.
→ Launched June 2024
→ Metrics TBD