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Design for Generative AI Playing Cards

Equipping designers with the education, considerations, and prompts they need to be in the driver’s seat when creating Generative AI experiences

 Role   Team Lead

Status   CompletedTimeline  April - May 2024

With the advent of Generative AI, designers are faced with a new user interface paradigm, generative variability, and new risks & harms. This shift calls for new hueristics and considerations to guide the design for Generative AI products and experiences.  

In 2023, the Design for Generative AI workstream, from with IBM AI Design Guild, teamed up with IBM Research’s Human-centered AI team to derive and validate 6 design for Generative AI principles. 

These principles were originally documented in the team’s research paper and distributed internally within IBM; however, not every IBM designer had the time and/or motivation to read a several page research article and decifer how to apply the learning to their own work. For the principles to be widely adopted within IBM’s design and product teams,  they needed to be delivered in a portable, highly visual, and engaging format.

The research paper 
The playing cards

Turning the Generative AI principles into a format that can be easily consumed and leveraged by designers and product teams...playing cards!

Each principle has 5 corresponding cards: 
- one card to overiew the design principles
- one card for each of the principle’s strategies (4 strategies per principle)

Each strategy card contains a description of the strategy, a tangible example, and a prompts/questions to help the designer consider the implications of this principle within their own work, products, and teams.


Stay tuned for updates* on how the principles and playing cards are being adopted with IBM product teams and external audiences.

*Last update: June 16th, 2024


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© Emma Rose Sycks 2025